Sunday, June 16, 2019


Enthusiastically I now consider Operation "RV-10" a success! What started as a project in my garage is now a fully functional and rather capable 4 place aircraft that I will enjoy for the years to come. The entire process is a learning experience and I've made some fantastic friends throughout the process. A lot of blood, sweat and tears (literally) has gone into the production of this aircraft.

The capstone activity for my build was the painting of N10JW.  This was something I didn't want to try and tackle on my own and selected Glo Aircraft Painting to do the chore. Mark and his team worked with me on the design which I based off some pictures of some RV-10s out of Brazil. They were able to replicate the clean lines and put their own touches along with a high level of attention to detail. This included some stenciling, hardware replacement and other features which just brought it up to a show quality level. The end result is nothing less than phenomenal!